Friday, June 20, 2008

rah, rah! go, team, go!

teamwork is perhaps one of the most misleading words in the implies the idea that everyone is working together toward a common goal...the reality of teamwork is that we do not expect them to have common goals...we just want them to play nicely and use nice words with each other...

we want them to be happy even when they arent happy because if you have a frown then that automatically means you arent a member of the team...

we want them to say "hi!" and "how are you?!?" to every person they say because if not it means they do not like someone and that means you arent a member of the team....

we want them to share all their thoughts and ideas and not be competitive because then that means you only care about yourself and you arent a member of the team...

we want them to be supportive and sympathetic because if you dont you arent a member of the team...

and if you arent a member of the team then you will be told to find another team to play on...

so, um, could someone tell me where that team is so that i can send them a few players??



DnWormer said...

This describes my feelings, especially after one of our departmental "teambuilding" sessions

Aneris said...

OH My!! CG, why you wanna rush me back in time to all those horrendous group projects in college??? aaaccckk! grrrr! owwwww!

It was always bad, bad, bad.

-Aneris, writhing in flashback

curiousgirl said...

@mnwhr - yeah, those things are such a waste...that must be why the idiots are usually in charge...

@aneris - group projects is the stupidest idea...i understand the concept...but big projects are's better to learn what you can accomplish on your own so that you know what you can bring to the table when you do have to suffer group projects...


Aneris said...

I agree totally but does anyone listen to me??? Nope.

curiousgirl said...

me! me! i do! :)


DnWormer said...

I have to sort of stick up for group projects. If done correctly, with well defined parameters and mechanisms for individual and group accountability, you can learn content and how to play nice with others.
And i'm not just writing this because i use group projects in class!

Aneris said... knew what I was thinking, but you beat me to saying it. I think that ppl are just lazy, thus the group project goes down in flames, not unless jobs depend on it. Group projects are good on paper but iffy in practice. (kinda like me!!! hahaha)

CG! I know you listen but seldom do the ones passing you assignments. If I were in Mnwhr's class, he would surely punish me with a semester of group work. lol

curiousgirl said...

@mnwhr - i despise group projects precisely because of "parameters"...i hear that word and i cringe...i just want to be free to do it my way all the time...there are way too many natural parameters in daily life to then turn around and PAY someone to set them for me so i can do a silly project that is rather pointless

silly, i am...

@aneris - lol...i bet he would punish us both with that...
